The Orwelexicon: Neologisms for Bias and Dysfunctions in Psychology, Academia, and the Wider Society (DSM 666)

Lee Jussim
21 min readJan 18, 2020


BANNED BY PSYCHOLOGY TODAY! I submitted it there as a blog post and they took it down after I posted it. In 12 short hours, it had garnered well over 1000 views, a bullet of popularity in PsychTodayLand. In fairness to their takedown, this was definitely not their normal fare.

Orwelexicon: Twisting the meaning of words in order to advance a political or policy agenda.

In this essay, I introduce a slew of neologisms — new words — to capture the tone and substance of much discourse, rhetoric, dysfunction, and bias in psychology, academia, and the wider society.

Lexicon for Gender Bias

In an article published in BMJ, a major biomedical journal, Drs Choo & Mayo presented a “Lexicon for Gender Bias in Academia and Medicine.” They argued that “mansplaining” was just the “tip of the iceberg” and so they coined terms such as:

Himpediment: Man who stands in the way of progress of women.


Misteria: Irrational fear that advancing women means catastrophic lack of opportunity for men.

This Orwelexicon is offered in a similar spirit of capturing biases, albeit quite different ones, that pervade academia. It is also a bit different, at least sometimes, because these words often capture the Orwellian disingenuousness with which some terms are used in academia.


An Orwelexicon for Psychology, Academia, and the Wider Society

Academic Facebooters (noun), Facebooting (adj): Academics seeking to punish other academics for their ideas. Inspired by Orwell’s 1984 quote, “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

Adminomania: A delusion that increased administrative and bureaucratic intrusions into people’s lives will actually improve something, fueled primarily by a pervasive blindness to unintended negative side effects. See especially the tendency for administrative organs to erode due process protections (Title IX) and punish people for infractions they did not actually commit or for which incriminating evidence is ambiguous at best.

Alliesheimers disease: A memory loss condition whereby one conveniently forgets one’s widely espoused principles of equity and inclusion when providing “allyship” to those on your side by attempting to stigmatize, punish, or ostracize those on the other side.

Argumentum ad Dormativum: Rather than refute an argument, someone with this disorder simply dismisses it with some variation on: “This tiresome idea again?”

Athletic gynocide: The elimination from sports competitions of people identified at birth by doctors or other adults as female because they cannot successfully compete with people identified at birth by doctors or other adults as males but who identify as females.

Bias bias: A bias for seeing biases, often manifesting as either claiming bias when none exists, exaggerating biases that do exist, or overgeneralizing to large swaths of life from studies finding bias in some narrow or specific context.

Bigotry Denialism: A claim that only certain people, usually based on immutable characteristics, can be racists or bigots, whereas others are immune. For example, the claim that only white people can be racist or only men can be sexist.

Binaryphobia: Fear that some things really are binary.

Biomindophobia: Fear that biology influences the mind.

Blancocentric Delusion: Delusion that “whiteness” is the source of most bad things.

Blancofemophobia: Prejudice against white women, as exemplified by dismissing the beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors of white women with phrases such as, “White women white womening.” Go here for a real world example.

Brexistential fear: An irrational fear that Brexit will lead to the end of the world as we know it.

Bropenscience Paradox: The claim that sexism is so powerful in the Open Science Movement that all male scientists must intensely interrogate themselves for any trace of it. Male scientists must also avoid having conversations without women or members of marginalized groups; and they must especially avoid criticizing scientific work by people from such groups. Although sexism is a very serious problem and charge, objecting to being called sexist is proof of defensiveness and pathological fragility.

Yoel Inbar, Clay Routledge, me, Mickey Inzlicht and Debra Soh singularly lacking in brophobia

Brophobia: Fear of men having a conversation among themselves, especially on social media where there are no barriers to anyone participating.

Cancelophobia: Fear of being canceled, usually followed by self-censorship.

Cathy Newmanism: Those wracked by this intellectually debilitating condition are incapable of responding to others’ actual statements. You can tell you have this condition if, instead of responding to an actual statement, you rephrase it in such a manner as to accuse the person you are interacting with of a far more extreme & even ridiculous claim than they actually made. You then react with incredulity and outrage that the person you are talking with made such a ridiculous claim that they never made but you made for them. “So what you are really saying is [followed by a ridiculous caricaturization].” Made famous by this interview of Jordan Peterson by Cathy Newman. I was Cathy Newmaned by Susan Fiske before Cathy Newmanism was a thing, as I described here.

Chapeaurougeauphobia: Fear and loathing of Trump supporters.

Cisandrophobia: Fear of and prejudice against heterosexual men.

The Cringecrickets are Coming to Get You!

Cringecrickets: People whose brains are so rotted by ideology that all sense of humor, parody, and fun has been irrecoverably lost, and when first coming on The Orwelexicon, compulsively chirp, “Cringe. Cringe. Cringe.” or “Cringeworthy! Cringeworthy! Cringeworthy!”

Cultural Parasitism: An ideology parasitizes the mind, changing the host’s behavior so they spread it to other people. Therefore, a successful ideology (the only kind we hear about) is not configured to be true; it is configured only to be easily transmitted and easily believed.

Decontextaphilia: An unhealthy attraction to quoting others out of context.

Definitiontrap: Avoidance of definitions, or arbitrarily changing meanings of words, to advance political arguments.

Delusional Constitutionalism: The belief that the U.S. Constitution mandates that, politically, everything you oppose, including election outcomes, is unconstitutional; and that, if SCOTUS rules otherwise, it shows them to be corrupt, cowardly & depraved. Although no political tribal or ideological camp is immune to this self-serving yet debilitating condition, a pandemic of it occurred among Trump supporters in the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential election.

Denunciation Dancing: The ultimate response to the rising tide of denunciations, outrage, social media mobbing, and attempts to “cancel” people; ginning up a counter-outrage mob to denounce the denouncers.

DiAngelo Paradox: The claim that racism is so harmful that all moral white people must intensely interrogate themselves for any trace of it & so trivial that objecting to being called racist is proof of pathological fragility. See White Fragility, a book by Robin DiAngelo.

Diaphobia: Fear and loathing of civil dialogue with one’s opponents.

Dogmaflares: Signals necessary to maintain your ideologically acceptable status to your ingroup. Especially common among academics who are often required to emit dogmaflares when having conversations w/conservatives, publishing in conservative outlets, or publishing counter social justice narrative data. “I’m just as progressive as most of you, but here are the data.”

Elitophilia: An unhealthy infatuation with academic and intellectual elites, and especially their ideas and products.

Emotional imperialism: The strange belief that your feelings should dictate someone else’s behavior.

Entitlement Preference Dysphoria: A pathological confusion of “things I want” with “things I am entitled to.” Sometimes this manifests as rhetorical claims to rights enshrined nowhere.

Epistemological dichotomania: Misconstruing things that are complex and nuanced as dichotomies. (Note: “epistemology” is one of those GRE words that I only use when in full egghead mode. It basically means “our beliefs about where knowledge comes from.”).

Epistemological impugnment: A form of intellectual bullying that involves declaring or implying that a claim should not be believed, not on the basis of logic or evidence showing it to be false, but by tainting the source with real or imagined failings in some other area. This often manifests as unsubstantiated allegations and guilt-by-association. See Equalitimidation.

Epistemic trespassing: This occurs when people who have bona fide expertise or competence to reach good conclusions and judgments in one domain or field move to another field in which they lack expertise or competence and confidently pass judgment nonetheless. Accountants pontificating on climate science, critical theorists condemning evolutionary psychology, engineers making proclamations about sociology, or medical doctors making proclamations about psychological science are all common examples.

Equalitarianism: A dogmatic, quasi-religious belief that all groups are equal on all traits that matter, usually accompanied by the belief that the only credible source of group differences is discrimination and outrage at anyone who suggests otherwise.


Equalitimidation: A form of intellectual bullying characterized by the use of name-calling, insults, smears, stigmatization, and guilt-by-association to frighten into silence those who might otherwise oppose coercive, confiscatory, and compulsory government or institutional policies, or scientific, intellectual and academic rhetoric used to advance certain views as to what constitutes Social Justice.

Europhobia: Fear of Europeans and prejudice against Europeans, their descendants, and practices and ideas that originated in Europe.

Evopsychophobia: Fear of evolutionary psychology, especially of the possibility that social groups (such as men and women) might have evolved different psychological traits and behavioral tendencies.

FIBS, Falsehood Immunodeficiency Bacillus Syndrome: An autoimmune disease in which the protective membrane that encases truth-seeking systems becomes inflamed and attacks itself debilitating one’s ability to distinguish truth from propaganda, lies, and fiction.

Framework Psychosis: Dr. Pill, who first identified this acute and chronic pathology, defined it as: “A new and dangerous affliction sweeping through academia like wildfire, is the unhealthy (and unfounded) belief that one’s framework, whatever it may be, is the one true framework.” It is characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:

Belief that your framework can explain everything in one’s field.

Inability to suffer dissent.

Spending more time criticizing things than generating original research.

Finding it difficult or impossible to discuss anything in one’s field in any terms other than The Framework.

Interpreting challenges as personal attacks.

Despising and shunning all those who differ, even if they differ merely in minor interpretations of The Framework.

Genetophobia: Fear of genetic explanations for human behaviors, competencies, traits, and preferences. Often manifests as blank slatism and environmental determinism.

Grift: Any benefit, including but not restricted to money, that accrues to people for advocating views that I oppose.

Heterophobia: Fear of and prejudice against heterosexual men and women.

Hierophobia: Fear of and prejudice against hierarchies.

Hard of Thinking, H.O.T. For examples, see most of the other Orwelexicon entries.

Human Egg Cartons: Humans that contain eggs. Usage: Hillary was the first human egg carton to be nominated by a major political party to run for President. Replaces “female” which, because anyone can now identify as female, is no longer informative about biology.

Hypocritical Theory: Academic ideas that, by criticizing ways in which power, status and injustice are embedded in everything but itself, usurps power for its adherents who then eliminate protections for speech, inquiry, association and due process because they are morally superior.

Idea laundering. An article makes a claim without evidence, or with evidence that does not justify its main claim, is then cited by another, which is cited by another, and so on, until the range of citations creates the impression that the claim has strong, abundant evidence, when really all articles are citing the same source that never had any strong evidence, and maybe even no evidence at all, to start with. The concept has many roots, including this 2019 WSJ op ed by Peter Boghossian, who attributes the coining of the term to Bret Weinstein. We described the process in this 2016 chapter as an intellectual black hole, because when one looks for a primary source supporting a claim, it cannot be found. Wikipedia has referred to the process as the “Woozle” effect for a long time. This term comes from a Winnie-the-Pooh story in which Winnie leads a hunt for the Woozle by following tracks — that he and his friends had made previously.

Identity colonialism. The presumption that you can speak for a marginalized group, including your own. Unless elected, you cannot speak for anyone but yourself.

Slide presented by Joe Forgas a the 2019 Conference on Applied Social Psychology

Ideologically-Induced Delusion Disorder: Ideologies and intense political tribal loyalties often induce pathological delusions among their adherents, usually regarding the “other side” or those they see as their opponents. The IIDD is the modern descendant of Freud’s Id, the repository of all things irrational, primal, and unconscious. Trump Delusion Syndrome was a common manifestation on the left; Delusional Constitutionalism (in The Orwelexicon) was a common manifestation among Trump supporters.

Implicit ESP Delusions: People afflicted by these delusions have an unarticulated belief that they can read others’ minds. It would sound silly if it was articulated. How, then, can it be diagnosed? These delusions often manifest as accusations that someone else is “disingenuous,” or insincere; also, that the accuser knows someone’s “real” motivations. These delusions can manifest among anyone but are particularly prevalent among Twhackademics and Twokademics.

Intersectional Self-Serving Schizoidism. An intellectual illness among woke ideologues who confuse being deeply endarkened by grievance dogmas with enlightenment. This often manifests as accusations that those who criticize their dogma or fellow ideologues are “lacking in self-awareness.” People with Intersectional Self-Serving Schizoidism have trouble expressing any emotions but outrage and trouble interacting with anyone other than other Intersectional Self-Serving Schizoids.

Inverted epistemology: Epistemological dichotomania for concepts that are nuanced; binaryphobia for concepts that are dichotomous.

IQaphobia: Fear of measuring intelligence because one believes that only Nazis and Eugenicists do that.

Irony deficient: Being unaware, or willfully ignorant, of one’s own absurd statements. Acts as an armor of ignorance.

Istaphobia: Fear of beling called an “ist” (racist, sexist, fascist, etc.), usually followed by self-censorship.

Jelly Journals: Academic journals run by editors so spineless they retract papers not for fraud or errors but because outrage mobs tell them to do so. This is often justified by “reasons” that apply to most academic journal articles. See also “Selectivus Rigorus Mortis.”

Kafkatrap: A rhetorical move whereby protesting your innocence is interpreted as proving your guilt. Example: If you deny that you are a racist, it proves you are a racist.

Lexophobia imperfectus: Fear of offending someone by saying the wrong thing. Although this condition characterizes even healthy people from time to time, it can be greatly exaggerated by bias reporting systems, coddling, equalitimidation and emotional imperialism.

Marxism denialist: Someone who conveniently ignores or forgets that Marxism/Communism has been a brutal disaster whenever it has achieved national hegemony, or argues “it was not real Marxism,” or dismisses the relevance of that brutal history. These symptoms are usually accompanied by further ones, such as camouflaging Marxist ideas/ideology in social science neologisms (such as “system justification theory”), compelling narratives, benevolent intentions and cures to bona fide injustices (see narraphilia).

Meritophobia: Fear and loathing of judging people on their merits.

Miquarkressions: Racist, sexist, or other bigoted actions so infinitesimal no one has ever seen or experienced one but academics, intersectionalists, postmodernists, and critical theorists KNOW THEY ARE THERE.

Misbackboned: Assigned vertebrate at birth, but actually spineless. Describes every academic who, despite their cushy jobs and tenure protections, avoid publicly supporting ideas and people they believe in, because they fear repercussions.

Narraphilia: Infatuation with compelling narratives combined with a reckless disregard for truth or evidence.

Nazinoia: A delusional tendency to see Nazis as hiding behind ideas or practices one opposes, and by accusing anyone supporting Brexit or to the right of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn of being Nazis, fascists, white supremacists, or alt-right.

Occam’s intersectional toolbox: A set of powerful rhetorical tools useful for advancing intersectionality, critical theory, and Social Justice. See Kafkatrap, Occam’s shoehorn, Occam’s trumpet, Problematicus panoramicus, and Subjectiphilia.

Occam’s shoehorn: What you use to fit the data to your narrative, no matter how difficult.

Occam’s trumpet: Ignoring all possible alternatives to “bias” as explanations for inequality and triumphantly proclaiming that bias is pervasive.

Omniscience Delusion: A failure to distinguish between “My arguments are so compelling only a pigheaded fool would not see their wisdom” and “Even though I think my arguments are brilliant, they have failed to persuade someone who rejects them after both understanding them and taking them seriously.” See Grievance Studies Sting.

One-Eyed Watchdog: Someone who presents as concerned about an issue (antisemitism, free speech, death threats, political violence, lack of scientific rigor in some study, etc.) but only speaks up when political opponents commit the transgression, while guilty allies are ignored or defended.

One Thought Verse: Most of you may not realize that Orwell and Tolkien collaborated on this poem:

One Thought to Rule Them All

One Thought to Bind Them

One Thought to Bring Them All

And in the Darkness Bind Them

Ovaryaction: Compulsion to create neologisms such as mansplaining and #bropenscience, attributing to men nonexistent flaws, interpreting normal behavior (eg, having a discussion) as problematic, turning bona fide male faux pas into EVIL INCARNATE, and generally reacting to such behavior with extreme hostility. Ovaryaction is not a sexist term because it can apply to men and women. For example, men who engage in woke-signaling their “allyship” to anyone engaging in this sort of behavior are having ovaryactions. See also alliesheimers disease and emotional imperialism.

PeriphePlaint. AKA defective deflective dunking, this is a rhetorical technique used to discredit a major argument by finding flaw with a minor or even trivial subcomponent of that argument, which, even if the minor argument is flawed, would not invalidate the major argument.

Phobophobia: Fear of being called a “phobe” (Islamaphobe, trans-phobe, etc.). Usually followed by self-censorship.

Phobophobophobia: Fear of being canceled by activists who, because they have delusions of “phobes” and “ists” everywhere, will see you as one and denounce you and seek to get you fired and ostracized.

Phrenological Phlatulence: The inability to prevent one’s orifices from intermittent ejaculations of “phrenology!” or “phrenologist!” or reference to “Calipers!” (used in phrenology) when one is exposed to work on intelligence and IQ, especially scientific work on group differences. This usually stems from Phrenological reflux disease.

Phrenological Reflux Disease. An inability to intellectually digest research on intelligence and IQ, especially work on group differences or on the genetic bases of individual differences in intelligence. Its main symptom is Phrenological phlatulence.

Poe’s Dysphoria. Inability to recognize the humor in parody. If this manifests in failure to recognize parody of one’s own side, but wild guffaws at parody of the other side, it is likely produced by ideology rotting the brain. A relative of Poe’s Law (the inability to distinguish truth from parody especially on social media).

Problematicus Panoramicus: A unique ability to paint anything anyone or any group has ever thought, done, or possessed as problematic, often including the ability to reference peer reviewed or mainstream media articles saying so.

Quackademic: A person in academia who should not be allowed around students.

Quantophrenia: Excessive reliance on statistics, especially in areas that are not quantifiable. Courtesy of John D. Cook.

Racebsion: An excessive, persistent, and both disturbed and disturbing assumption that race is at the center of everything. See the NYTimes’ 1619 Project.

Rapid Onset Epistemological Dysphoria: An inexplicable, sudden reversion to emotional imperialism, Nazinoia, and Subjectiphilia, by people otherwise trained in science, logic, mathematics, statistics, and analytical thinking. Frequently manifesting as Equalitimidation, Reductio ad Hitlerum and Righteous outragophilia.

Reductio ad Hitlerum: Treating ideas and arguments one opposes as reflecting Nazism, fascism, or white supremacy. See Godwin’s Law and Nazinoia.

Regressive Stack: The idea that certain people should be silenced because they fall on the high status (losing) end of the Oppression Olympics.

Righteous Outragophilia: Obsession with proving your righteousness by expressing outrage at others for not subscribing to your subjective opinions, or for their real or, more frequently, imagined minor failings and flaws.

Science-Pseudoscience Delusions: A delusion whereby a person believes that, by labeling work they dislike, disapprove of, or disagree with “pseudoscience” or “fringe science,” they have shown that it is less valid than work they like, approve of, or agree with.

Rigorus Mortus Selectivus: Killing social science through selective calls for rigor. Frequently manifests as denouncing work one opposes on ostensibly scientific grounds that one never applies to work one supports.

Sperm-cannons: Living organism that, if healthy, upon reaching maturity, is capable of producing sperm, or, if no longer capable, once was. Usage: “Since 1789, 44 sperm-cannons have served as Presidents of the United States.” Replaces “male” which, because anyone can now identify as male, is no longer informative about biology.

Stringgressions: The building blocks of all other __aggressions, such as microaggressions, microinsults, microinvalidations and The Orwlexicon’s own miquarkressions. Essential critical theory construct for the grand unifying grievance

Subjectiphilia: An infatuation with subjective experience as empirically triumphant. E.g., using “lived experience” as if it could end an argument.

Tautological armor: Reversing cause and effect as needed in order to render oneself morally invulnerable.

“Why do you believe X?”

“Because I am a good person?”

“What makes you a good person?”

“Because I believe X.”

Triggeritis inexplicablus: Outbursts and meltdowns in response to reading or hearing certain unwelcome words or ideas.

Trollusions: A pathological tendency to see those who bluntly disagree with you as trolls, disingenuous, or arguing in “bad faith.” See Implicit ESP delusions.

Trumpcession: An intellectually debilitating condition, common among academics and progressive activists more generally, characterized by obsession with attributing bad events to Trump and Trump supporters. Lest you think I make this up, this article blames white supremacy for black anti-Semitism. Here is the exact quote: “especially when the perpetrators [of antisemitic attacks] are poor and black, the culprits are white supremacy and capitalism.”

Trumpulsion: Another intellectually debilitating condition, also common among academics and progressive activists, characterized by difficulty focusing on anything but Trump.

Did someone say “nuts”?

Twhackademia: Nutcase academic ideas on Twitter. A twhackademic is an academic promoting nutcase ideas on Twitter.

Twitterphobia deficientus: Not worrying quite enough about how other people might perceive what you tweet.

Twokademia: Academic grievance grandstanding on Twitter. A twokademic is an academic engaging in grievance grandstanding on Twitter.

U-Anon. Conspiracy theories emerging from academia, such as “parasitic Whiteness,” various Unidentified Flying Systems of Oppression, and the presumption, without evidence or consideration of alternative explanations, that inequalities one considers unjust result from discrimination.

Underrepresentation Misrepresentation: Claiming to provide largesse to “groups because they are underrepresented” when actually selectively choosing groups on Social Justice grounds and ignoring underrepresented groups that do not fit the agenda. For example, conservatives are usually the most underrepresented group in academia and, as far as I know, never eligible for anything.

Undo Process: Reckless disregard for due process protections for those accused of demographic-related violations (e.g., harassment, bias, discrimination).

Unidentified Flying Errors. UFE’s refer to vague and unsubstantiated “errors” in work that one merely opposes or dislikes. There is an epidemic of UFEs in outrage mob petitions calling to retract papers that the mob simply opposes.

Unidentified Flying Harms. UFH’s refer to vague and unsubstantiated “harms” supposedly caused by work that one merely opposes or dislikes. There is an epidemic of UFH’s in outrage mob petitions and social media dogpiles calling to retract papers that the mob simply opposes.

Unidentified Flying Systems of Oppression (UFSOs): Reference to systems that create injustice, inequality, or oppression without feeling any need to actually provide evidence for their existence (beyond the inequality or injustice itself) or identify how the alleged oppressors or perpetrators do so. See also U-Anon.

Veritophobia: Fear of truth and evidence.

Victimhood Appropriation: Embracing victimhood status, whether justified or not, in order to rhetorically seize moral superiority and make your opponents shut up and go away.

Vizzinimania: Crowing about the supposed accuracy of one’s convictions and insulting anyone who believes otherwise, whilst being horrifically, outrageously mistaken. Named for Vizzini, a spectacularly arrogant villain, spectacularly overconfident in his own brilliance, who is outsmarted by The Dread Pirate, drinks poison, and ends up dead.

Whackademia: Nutcase ideas that emerge from academia.

Wokademia: Academic grievance grandstanding.

Wokanniblism: A low-carb, high-protein diet consisting mainly of eating your own.

Woke Fragility: Histrionic woke reactions, reminiscent of 19th century fainting schoolgirls, when exposed to arguments critical of, or evidence inconsistent with, their sacred narratives. These often include wild claims of Unidentified Flying Harms and Unidentified Flying Errors in calls to punish others in the name of “safety” although neither the danger, the actual harm, or the errors are actually identified. One can often experience this, in academia, tech, or the mainstream media if one has the unmitigated gall to challenge notions such as pervasive White supremacy, implicit bias, and sexism in the 21st century USA; woke initiatives (such as race-based hiring and admissions preferences and critical race theory-drenched diversity trainings); the supposedly unmitigated evils of capitalism and/or advocating equality before the law, due process, universal human rights and equal opportunity rather than equality of outcomes.

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References and Recommended Readings

This list of scholarly books and articles and mainstream media, op-eds, and blogs provide either examples of or evidence for most of the concepts included here.

Bennett, B. (2020). Logically fallacious: The ultimate collection of over 300 logical fallacies. Retrieved on 1/18/20 from:

Brandt, M. J., Reyna, C., Chambers, J. R., Crawford, J. T., & Wetherell, G. (2014). The ideological-conflict hypothesis: Intolerance among both liberals and conservatives. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(1), 27–34., H. & Gigerenzer, G. (2015). The bias bias. J. of Business Research, 68, 1772–1784.

Buss, D. M. & von Hippel, W. (2018). Psychological Barriers to evolutionary psychology: Ideological bias and coalitional adaptations. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 6, 148–158.

Clark, C. & Winegard, B. (in press). Tribalism in war and peace: The nature and evolution of ideological epistemology and its significance for modern social science. Psychological Inquiry.

Channel 4 News. (Jan. 16, 2018). Jordan Peterson interview with Cathy Newman. Retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Choo, E. K. & DeMayo, R. F. (2018). A lexicon for gender bias in academia and medicine. The BMJ, 363, retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Crawford, J. & Jussim, L. (2018). The politics of social psychology. New York: Psychology Press.

Gharbi, M. A. (2018). Race and the race for the White House. The American Sociologist, 49. 496–519.

Haidt, J. (2012). The Righteous Mind: Why good people are divided by religion and politics. Pantheon Books: New York.

Jost, J. T., Banaji, M. R., & Nosek, B. A. (2004). A decade of system justification theory: Accumulated evidence of unconscious bolstering of the status quo. Political Psychology, 25, 881–919.

Jussim, L. (2013). Liberal bias in social psychology: Personal experience III. Psychology Today. Retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Jussim, L. (2018). Reality of the rise of an intolerant and radical left on campus. Areo Magazine. Retrieved on 1/18/20 from:

Jussim, L. (2019). Required diversity statements as loyalty oaths. Psychology Today. Retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Jussim, L. (2019). My diversity, equity, and inclusion statement. Quillette, retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Jussim, L (2019). Scientific bias in favor of studies finding gender bias. Psychology Today. Retrieved on 1/18/20 from:

Jussim, L. (2020). The threat to academic freedom … From academics. Retrieved on 1/18/20 from:

Kipnis, L. (2015). My Title IX Inquisition. Chronicle of Higher Education.

Kochkodin, B. (2020). Behavioral Economics’ Latest Bias: Seeing Bias Wherever It Looks. Bloomberg News, retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Krahenbuhl, K. (2018). The decay of truth in education. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Lukianoff, G. & Haidt, J. (2018). The coddling of the American Mind. New York: Penguin Books

Messenger, S. (2018). Towards a cognitive theory of politics. Quillette. Retrieved on 1/16/20 from:

Pinker, S. (2002). The Blank Slate. NY: Penguin Books.

Thompson, A. (2019). Untitled editorial on requiring academic diversity statements in hiring. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 66, 1778–1779.

Westfall, J. et al (2015). Perceiving political polarization in the United States: Party identity strength and attitude extremity exacerbate the perceived partisan divide. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, 145–158.

Winegard, B., Clark, C., Hasty, C. R., & Baumeister, R. F. (2018). Equalitarianism: A source of liberal bias. Unpublished manuscript.

Wolfinger, N. (2017). Pursuit of injustice: Further adventures under Title IX. Quillette. Retrieved on 1/18/20 from:

Zigerell, L. (2018). Black and white discrimination in the United States: Evidence from an archive of survey experiment studies. Research and Politics, January-March 2018, 1–7.


Several of these neologisms came intact from several of my followers on Twitter and/or were a sort of joint effort. In that spirit, I especially wish to acknowledge:

Michael Millernan, a political philosopher, who posted this tweet that eventually inspired this blog.

Bias bias is a real thing, see this paper. It was developed by psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer, who has been a thorn in Kahneman’s side for about 30 years. In my opinion, Gigerenzer gets more right than did Kahneman.

Equalitarianism is also a real thing. It has been most recently and thoroughly developed in several papers by psychologists Cory Clark, Bo Winegard, and Ben Winegard (and their collaborators), one of which can be found in my book, The Politics of Social Psychology; an empirical paper can be found here. All three are active on Twitter, and can be found, respectively, here, here, and here.

Problematicus panoramicus was inspired by this tweet from journalist/humorist Jonathan Pie.

Kevin Krahenbuhl is a professor of education, who you can follow on Twitter here. He also has an entire book on The Decay of Truth in Education.

David Marshall, Jan Brauner, and Gretchen Mullen came up with a slew of neologisms, and several, somewhat modified, appeared here. David can be followed on Twitter here. Jan can be followed here. Gretchen can be followed on Twitter and also blogs here.

Stephen Messenger, who contributed or inspired several, has this excellent article on A Cognitive Theory of Politics. The idea to this blog was also a direct result of our various conversations, both on social media and live.

Michael Nordman contributed the chapeau entry. You can follow him on Twitter here.

Evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad provided epistemological dichotomania. He podcasts here.

Bart Stewart provided Tautological Armor, which was used intact, including the example dialogue. You can follow him on Twitter here.

DSM 666 was from GS, who prefers to remain behind the scences. But he knows who he is.

There were also quite a few others that I have used with permission from folks who Tweet anonymously and eschew the limelight.

Last, there were quite a few that were also really good but for one reason or another did not make it here. I sincerely thank all those who made the effort; they were often poignant and amusing

